ST-Healthy Digestion, Healthy You
If more people really thought about how much their digestive systems do for them every day, they might be more inclined to take better care of their digestive health. Your digestive system has a huge job – it breaks down the foods that you eat in order to make nutrients and energy available to the body, and it is responsible for steering unwanted waste out of the body, too. On top of that, your digestive tract is a key player in immunity – the cells lining your digestive tract help protect your body against bacterial and viral invaders that could make you sick.
ST-7 Tips for Healthy Digestion
A smooth running digestive system relies on the right foods at the right time.
ST-Do Meal Replacement Shakes really work for Weight Loss?
Losing weight is not always easy. Given the hectic pace of modern life, people have turned to diets or dubious weight loss schemes. Meal replacements, along with diet and exercise, offer an alternative, effective solution to weight loss and weight management. The benefits are based on the convenience of meal replacements, their ability to satisfy hunger, and providing nutrients that your body needs every day.
ST-Understanding Keto, Intermittent Fasting, and Other Popular Diet Trends
Every year, it seems, there’s a new diet trend. Some of these fads come and go, while others – like the low-carb diet first made popular decades ago – seem to have staying power. With so many diet trends both past and present, it’s no wonder that a recent survey found that a whopping 43 percent of Americans are currently following a specific plan, with intermittent fasting emerging as the top diet trend of 2020.
ST-Lost Your Diet Mojo? Get Your Motivation Back!
When you’re having trouble sticking to your diet, it helps to remember what motivated you in the first place. Here’s how to get back on track.
ST-After-Meal Bloating: Quick Tips to deflate your belly
What you’re eating and how you’re eating it can sometimes cause bloating and the feeling of being puffed up. Here are some common causes for that puffy belly feeling and what can you do about it.